The Museum
Jones County
History & Heritage, Inc
Jones County History and Heritage, Inc. (JCHH)
has created an Education Museum to reflect the history of education within Jones County. There are class rooms set up to depict the three distinct eras of education.

With the permission of the Jones County Board of Education, a portion of what was the old Jones County High School has been turned into an interpretive of long past days. The transformation of two classrooms and the hallway has been made possible through many contributions from our community, grants from the Watson Brown Foundation Junior Board and the Peyton Anderson Foundation and exceptional support from Jones County History and Heritage, Inc.

The hallway holds pictures of class groups from many different schools that have existed in Jones County and date from the early to late 1900's. There is a "School Daze" wall which holds the names of hundreds of people who have either been employed or who have attended schools in Jones County. Each name is inscribed on a plaque and represents a donation to the Museum. To order a plaque, click here.

The interpretive classroom displays three different eras of school classrooms from the early one room schools to a classroom of the late 1900's. The depiction of each diorama has been completed with items donated from individuals and from many different schools that have existed across the county. It is these small donations that have made the Museum come to life. It allows a grandmother to relate to her school classroom while also allowing the granddaughter to do the same. 

The second classroom has seating and a PowerPoint presentation that interprets the history of education in Georgia and Jones County. It also display photos from the many different eras of education in the County in both public and private school settings.

The Museum has hosted the Kiwanis Tour of Homes and Historic Places in 2010. Each spring, we plan to have all Jones County fifth graders visit the Museum. In addition we have entertained several different class reunions and look forward to hosting more. We are constantly seeking opportunities to bring individuals or groups to the Museum.
Pre 1920 classroom
Alice and Jerry
​reading material
         "School Daze"
The wall with names of people associated with Jones County Schools 
1920 to 1980 classroom