Jones County
History & Heritage, Inc
Book Order Form

Books may be purchased at Treasures by the Tracks at 105 Atlanta Rd (a Wonderful Cafe with the following hours: Mon thru Fri 10:30 to 6/Wed 10:30 to 2 and Sat 10:30 to 4), Gray, GA - or - ​Books may be purchased by mail (use form below):



Tel. # ______________________________ E-mail__________________________________ 

____ History of Jones County, Georgia 1807-1900 - $65* (see offer below)

____ Fields of Stone: Cemeteries of Jones County, Georgia - $50

____ Butternut and Gray, Confederate Soldiers of Jones County - $50

____ The 107 Story - $15; 


-Order the History of Jones County book (plus) one of the other two $50 books for $100 ($15 savings).

-Order 7 of the 107 Story books for $90 ($15 savings)​

                                                                   Total $_____________________ 

        Shipping and Handling $5.00 per hardback book $_____________________
​        Shipping and Handling $3.00 per 107 Volume $_______________________

                                                          Grand Total $_____________________

Mail order form and check to:

Jones County History & Heritage, Inc.
PO Box 2605
Gray GA 31032

click here for: Order Form in PDF format